Job Seekers


CEPD will help you prepare and practice for any interviews we have arranged for you, but, here are a few helpful tips

If you have a disability or health condition and want to start or return to work, CEPD can help you make the most of your ability. Our range of employment services are designed to help you get the job that is right for you.


We focus on developing strong relationships with local employers, identifying their needs and future vacancies. We will then work with you to prepare you for those jobs.


You will have the support of a CEPD Employment Advisor. Be it job search advice, training and development or work placements, we’ll work with you to identify positions that best match what you want from a job.

You’ll also have the support of a CEPD Employment Advisor to help you with a structured program of careers advice, including help with writing your CV, interview tips, advice about disclosing your disability and benefits advice.