CEPD is a national non-governmental organization with legal civil society organization registration no. CG051872019, established to arbitrate disability rights protection via government authorities, the private sector and the general public as well as facilitate the employment of disabled persons through training, coaching, awareness creation, advocacy and consultancy services. In effect, Centre for Employment of persons with disabilities (CEPD) exists to ensure persons with Disabilities (PWDs) are adequately provided for and have a fair chance of contributing to national development and can live a purposeful life. CEPD, having seen the need for disabled people to be empowered economically; being aware of the barriers, limitations and the challenges that confront persons with disabilities struggling to fit into the society, difficulty and stigmatization in finding jobs resolved to establish this administration to arbitrate and protect the rights of persons with disabilities and to facilitate their integration into the society and the job market by calling for the removal of all forms of barriers limiting disabled persons

CEPD has been active since 2006 as a national think-thank instrumental with the passing of the 2006 Ghana persons with disability act 715, addressing critical issues on disability and employment.


  • CEPD advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities as far as employment is concern.
  • CEPD educates, trains and coaches PWDs for the job market.
  • CEPD sensitizes employers on the capabilities of PWDs and their special needs.
  • CEPD trains disabled people on the job to be able to manage disability at the work places.
  • CEPD conducts research into disability related issues as a basis for evidence-based advocacy government and private sector policy formulation.
  • CEPD trains and educate service providers on disability awareness.
  • CEPD advocates an accessible transportation system.
  • CEPD advocates an accessible education for all


CEPD has collaborated with National Youth Employment Program/ GEEDA to recruit 55 disabled persons, 17 of whom has undergone training in the oil and gas industry by MDPI 2010- 2012

CEPD supported 19PWDs to undergo oil and gas training to gain employable skills and employment -2012

CEPD trained 30 PWDs with employable skills in Poultry Farming -2012

CEPD supported 7PWDs to gain employment in a UK based organization called Alive and Kicking into the production of soccer balls for the international market – 2013/2014

CEPD supported 15 PWDs gain employable skills and employment at AFIBA ENTERPRISE -2014

CEPD advocated,facilitated and conducted staff training and accessibility audit for the under listed private sector companies

TIGO 2016
Standard Chartered Bank 2016

CEPD advocated and facilitated disability awareness training on appropriate ways of handling disabled persons for the following institutions in Ghana; Baptist Church, Teshie – 2015 and Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry, North Legon – 2016


CEPD advocated and facilitated disability awareness training for staff of Aviance Ghana on appropriate ways of handling disabled passengers at the Airports – 2013/2015


CEPD conducted learning and sharing seminars for about 300 pwds – 2010-2014

CEPD partnered with local enterprises and skills development programme (lesdep) to train and resource over 300 disabled people nationwide. 45 of them have been supported with         equipments ranging from industrial sewing machines, embroidering and interlocking, catering sets, hairdressing kits, ovens, motor bikes etc to do business


CEPD conducted training for over 500 pwds on cv writing and job search tips – 2009 – 2016

CEPD offered counseling and mediation for disabled persons facing various challenges in their work place and engaging employers to draw attention to the needs of PWDs in their companies- Ongoing -Annual National Day


CEPD partnership with developing partners for the purchase and annual distribution of mobility equipments such as wheel chairs, crutches, walking frames etc for PWDs. 2012 till date


CEPD implemented Sports development projects for the disabled in collaboration with the national paralympic committee and the national sports authority to support persons with disabilities in creating recreation throuh wheel chair racing, wheel chair basket ball, sitting volley, power lifting, amputee soccer, Little People Soccer etc. 2009 till date


CEPD embarks on regular awareness creation and advocacy exercises through seminars, workshops, Press Conferences, Newspaper publications, radio/television talk shows etc. to create awareness on issues that affect persons with disabilities in the community and educate the public on their inclusion on the job market and other related subjects such as access to education, the built environment and transportation.

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CEPD  conducted and facilitated training programs for about 30 PWDs in through Talent Reality Shows,  Movie, Music and Arts industry which has produced about 5 Musicians, 3 Disabled Super Star Dancers and a number of actors actresses – 2009 – till date


CEPD conducted and facilitated vocational skills training for about 20 PWDs in cosmetics, bead making, production of Pomade, powder, liquid soap etc.


CEPD supported over 100 PWDs to procure career establishment tools to start their private enterprises in Baking, Catering, hair dressing, Barbering, tricycles for house to house services and delivery services etc.


  • CEPD  partners project developing partners to;
  • Petition Government Authorities for funding allocation and state support for new and existing development programs for persons with disability.
  • Petition Government for further review and formulation of more beneficial policies to support persons with disability.
  • Lobby and arbitrate for rights protection for persons with disability
  • Educate stakeholders and partner the private sector develop support programs and initiatives to educate the public on special needs of persons with disability and they can be of help.
  • Advocate for the full implementation of Ghana persons with disability 2006, ACT 715,